Built by innovators for innovative builders.

The Founders
The Executive Team
Industry Advisors

Honghui Wu
Dean of Iscri Bejing. Editor in Chief of Smart City Practice

GM of ST Industry Development Co Ltd. Global Consul of International Smart City Research
Blockchain Advisors

Alex Mann
Partner Junn Capital

Peter Carrol
Chief Strategist Big Data
In Partnership With
Prasaga works with world-class innovators, developers, and enterprise partners. Our relationships are rapidly expanding throughout all industries and the world.
Partnered through IEEE, Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF), Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) and Digital Twin Consortium.

Article List

The underlying concept of the atomic swap and the Uniswap concept is the ability to control separate smart contracts from another smart contract. This enables a single transaction to encompass swappin...
The Prasaga eXtensible Block Object Model (XBOM) enables supply chains to build a digitized line of communication and object-oriented data sharing mechanism between vendors and suppliers. By creating ...
With blockchain, there is an opportunity to take advantage of a technology foundtion to better align the government, it’s contractors, allies and most importantly its citizens. EWiGS enables real-time...
In July 2019 we were asked for comment from Malta Financial Services Agency (MFSA), we focused on questions 10 ,12 and general comments as they most pertained to our platform capabilities, in the MFSA...
Imagine a life of anonymity while legally participating globally in any transaction you have right to. Imagine, a life in which all interactions requiring personal identity was a simple scan of a UID ...
A First-Class Object Model; How Ancestry and Inheritance Create the DNA of Smart Contracts 3.0 Platform Prasaga offers the following analogy of our eXtensible Blockchain Object Model (XBOM) and how it...
Financial and Governance Models for Stability and Growth Built on Proven Systems...
Prasaga Official
Sep 13, 2019
Overview of Digital GDP and Crypto Tracking of World GDP……. a continuation on Can Any Current Crypto Commodity Ever Be Used As A General Currency?...
What is the DataGrid Blockchain? The DataGrid Blockchain (“DGB”) is a new design for a blockchain from the “ground up”. It incorporates components of the following concepts: proof-of-work, proof-of-st...
A list of criteria developed during our R&D. Following is the list of criterium we developed while reviewing as many Native chain White Papers as we could in our exhaustive search for a Blockchain to ...
An analysis by Prasaga CTO, David Beberman “In the long run, we are all dead. Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us that when the storm...
Making of Decentralized, Distributed, Open Multi-Tenant, Multi-sided Market Enablement Platform...
Prasaga Official
Jun 20, 2019
Solving the KYC-AML Problem with Provable Algorithmic KYC-AML Enforcement, Generalized on the DataGrid Blockchain Another innovation from the mind of David Beberman and the Prasaga R&D team. By David ...